Where can Republicans, Conservatives, and Libertarians run to?

Every year we hear about Liberals and Democrats running across the border to Canada to live after a Republican gets elected. I even posted a video a few days ago making light of that. An article from Slate Magazine brings up a good point. Where can Republicans threaten to run to if Obama wins? Here is what they came up with:

  • Israel “Kory Bardash, the chairman of Republicans Abroad in Israel, argues that Americans in Israel, who are largely Jewish, are not nearly as stridently supportive of Obama as their domestic counterparts. Bardash describes American voters in Israel as “Joe Lieberman Democrats” who might have backed Bill Clinton but who don’t connect with Obama’s domestic message and are more persuaded by charges that he lacks experience in foreign affairs. (Hillary Clinton won a majority of the Israel vote in the Democrats Abroad primary.) Israel’s political leanings are difficult to fact-check, but it’s safe to say that U.S. Republicans seeking refuge in Israel won’t have too much difficulty finding kindred spirits.”
  • Poland “If Israel is the destination for conservatives primarily concerned with the threat of Islamic terrorism, Poland is the logical choice for the anti-Communists chiefly concerned with new Cold War tremors. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Poland has been a poster child for a rebuilt democracy. Its GDP grew 6.5 percent in 2007, though the annual inflation rate was more than 4 percent. It’s a religiously devout (and overwhelmingly Catholic) country, a NATO ally, and a likely strategic partner for years to come.”
  • The Cayman Islands “Fleeing for the Cayman Islands is a bit of a retreat to the womb for despondent Americans; the three tiny Caribbean islands are a British territory still highly dependent on the crown. This is the destination for wealthy, free-market conservatives looking to wait out Democratic reign in Washington. Because there is no direct taxation, the islands are a hub for offshore banking and other financial services.”
  • Ireland “Several readers make a case for Ireland. Abortion is mostly illegal in the country. The political parties are center-right, and the country’s corporate tax of 12.5 percent is extremely friendly to industry, including Microsoft and Intel. Native Irishman Marc Bruton says: “As an Irishman living in the U.S. for 12 years (who is currently horrified by McCain/Palin), I have to say there is nowhere more America-like than the country of my birth. They’d love it. … And it has some great golf courses!” The country is largely religious, and English is the second of two official languages. And they have a history of welcoming Republicans. “You can’t get too hung up on the JFK connection,” advises Paul Sheridan. “Reagan got as big a welcome when he visited in the ’80s.”
  • Australia “Australia’s devotion to laissez-faire economics makes it an attractive target for free-market conservatives, and the fact that they speak English will be attractive to anyone who finds Polish too difficult to pick up. (Several Polish readers wrote in to point out that this will be a major hurdle for Americans.) The conservative Heritage Foundation ranks Australia at No. 4 on its economic freedom index, following Hong Kong, Singapore, and Ireland. (The United States is No. 5.) The open spaces will attract conservatives sick of claustrophobic urban politics. “It has a Wild West mythos analogous to that of the U.S., but unlike our own West, where states like Colorado are becoming increasingly urban and Democratic, the Outback remains sparsely settled and free of large cities,” writes Philip, who wanted only his first named printed. “Australia is also the native land of Rupert Murdoch and Mel Gibson.” Several others, including newly uncloseted Obama supporter Christopher Buckley, suggested New Zealand as well. (“Fun fact,” writes Rob Killion. “New Zealand is probably Australia’s Canada.”)

So to break it down the “War-Hawk Wing” of the Republican party would fit well in Israel and Poland. The Cayman Islands would be good for the “Libertarian Wing” of the party. Finally, the social Conservative wing could go to Ireland.

The rest of this article is here.


Published in: on October 14, 2008 at 5:25 pm  Leave a Comment  
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