Concealed Carry for Teachers

This is in the ‘win column’ for the gun rights owners of America and those, like me, who believe in the freedom to carry a firearm whenever you would like to:

“Students in this tiny town of grain silos and ranch houses spent much of the first couple of days in school this week trying to guess which of their teachers were carrying pistols under their clothes.

The school board in this impoverished rural hamlet in north-central Texas has drawn national attention with its decision to let some teachers carry concealed weapons, a track no other school in the country has followed. The idea is to ward off a massacre along the lines of what happened at Columbine High School in Colorado in 1999.”

This is great, but obviously, if it was up to me, then people could choose the schools they want to go to. If they want to go to a school where no teachers carry guns, they could go there and take a chance. If you want to be protected by the people you trust to teach your kids important values and history, among other things, then you go here.

The rest of the story can be found here.


Published in: on September 2, 2008 at 1:16 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Can the NRA survive without hunters?

In the United States, for years people have hunted and killed many animals for game and food.

There are reports that in the past 10 years hunters have declined by 1.5 million people.

This is obviously because there are less areas to hunt. With those reduced areas there are probably a reduction in the number of animals out there who do no adapt well to urbanization. Then again the numbers should be going back up because there are less hunters.

The political lobbyists groups have shifted, This reported by the Economist:

“Tensions have flared recently between the rifle-wielders and the Republican top brass. In Wyoming and Colorado, hunters have opposed Bush administration efforts to expand oil- and gas-drilling. That has put them on the side of conspicuously leftish groups such as the Sierra Club.”

This brings me to the question that is at the title of the post. Can the NRA survive without the hunters? and also are hunters going to defect from Republican to Democrat?

Well let me take the second question first. I would have a hard time believing that we will see defection from Republican to Democrat. There are just too many Democrats and even some Republicans and ex-Republicans (Michael Bloomberg) who are for gun control. When I look at Rudy Giuliani, I see someone who could appeal to the masses but not to the base of the Republican party. Some people can get over abortion but a lot of people cannot get over their guns.

This leads me to the first question. Use libertarians do not like Giuliani for this very (gun) reason. I am a personal believer that pretty much anything that can take down an airplane should be heavily licence but if it can’t take out an airplane then it’s fine.

This is not because I love hunting. I respect the people that do and I personally never have. When I tell relatives I want a gun, they tell me I do not hunt. If I were to say to my mother what I will say here she might think I am crazy.

It is a fact that this country is great, but like all great countries we find ourselves spoiled. One of the things is totalitarian governments. We think that they can only happen in the Middle East, Asia, or Africa or that the country has to be Communist/Fascist to do so.

It wasn’t that long ago that the colonies thought that they would rather fight than be ruled over by a king like that. And it wasn’t that long ago, when the south said we do not want to be ruled by Abraham Lincoln.

The Colonies and the South would have never had a chance if their rights to bear arms were stripped away.

We need guns for totalitarian government. We need to be able to “shoot’ em and start over.” Without that right we are, de facto, slaves.

As hunters become a smaller and smaller group. The NRA’s membership could dwindle. We as people who believe that the Bill of Rights created a protection from the government from doing exactly what the left-wing wants to do and that is disarm America should put a stop to it.


Published in: on December 1, 2007 at 2:06 am  Leave a Comment  
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A chance to save the Second Amendment

This from the Washington Post:

“The Supreme Court announced yesterday (Tuesday) that it will determine whether the District of Columbia’s strict firearms law violates the Constitution, a decision that will raise the politically and culturally divisive issue of gun control just in time for the 2008 elections.”

This is a very important bill and is a chance to see our new conservative judges at work. Especially considering that this is one of the most important amendments to the Constitution.

People get caught up with this amendment and think that it gives hunters the freedom to hunt. This isn’t even the beginning of the creation of this amendment.

This is what it says:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The founding fathers knew that the government could get out of hand. They lived through a period in which it did. This amendment protect them from that.

This is the quote from the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which was what the Constitution was based off of:

That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state…”

The part that really sticks out to me is the “safe defense of a free state.” During the Civil War, a free state is a state without slavery. The government can enslave people at anytime. Some argue that we are moving towards that with the Patriot Act and constant regulation. Slavery of their own people. Slavery that we have seen in most governments in history, except for a small few. Even they end in slavery or failure.

A free state to the Virginia Declaration of Rights is a state without restraints on their people. A state in which people are free to do whatever they want. The “free state” here is a state without slavery.

As the government tightens their grip on our freedom, we have the right to tighten our grip on our guns.

We are the checks and balance that you do not learn about in your grammar schools.

If the government gets out of line, shoot it and start over again.

I urge the U.S. Supreme Court to rule that the D.C. gun ban is against the Constitution and I urge the Judges to not hold back in create a standard for all gun cases to come.

We should end all control on our guns.


Published in: on November 21, 2007 at 3:35 am  Leave a Comment  
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